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Our Story

My name’s Emily, and I am the co-owner and Company Director of Black Panther Modelling Agency. We are a collective of adult camera models who empower and train others to become financially independent by supporting them with world-class training to run their own successful camera modelling business.

In 2022, I decided to end a ten-year domestic violence marriage and leaving that marriage had absolutely ruined me financially as well as emotionally. I found myself in the summer of 2022 severely depressed, struggling for money, raising three children on my own and being stressed all the time trying to hold down my job in marketing and find childcare for the kids.


I started cam modelling in September 2022, part time. A friend had spoke to me about it, and I thought I’d give it a go. In my first two shifts, I made over £350. In my first full month camming, at which point I was only camming part-time due to my full-time job in marketing, I had earned nearly £3,000. By the time we got two months into 2023, my modelling job was earning me way more than the marketing job that had taken me years at University to learn how to do and years to work my way up in that job role. I decided to quit and go as a full-time model.

I went from barely making it through the month on my marketing wage, often having to ask family members to cover bills for me until I was paid to having unlimited amounts of earnings. Since camming, I’ve redecorated my whole house, bought a new car, and learned to drive all out of my camming wage. Next year, we move house, and we will be travelling too. Driving and holidays weren’t even on my radar a year ago, because I could barely afford to buy my kids a packet of sweets afterschool.


I have been at several agencies, two of which I was professionally scouted for. I have loved my time camming, the people I’ve met and the agencies I’ve worked with but I noticed a massive flaw in every single one of them: a lot of the models weren’t making as much money as they wanted too, because the training wasn’t good enough.

One of the first agencies I worked at, I was told “when you join, you’ll get loads of training on a proper site!” You can imagine my disappointment when I was led to a Facebook page with training content scattered everywhere and WhatsApp group. The next agency was the same. And the one after that. I realized a common theme throughout the agencies: there were models who made loads and models who made next to nothing. This was sheerly down to lack of access to proper training.


I noticed a huge gap in the market, and with help from my partner, I decided to go for it. I want every model the chance to earn not just money, but life changing money and our website-based training, phone and computer support is nothing like you can access at any other agency.


We additionally offer a much easier progression method for our models. Many agencies will make you jump through hoops to be able to run your own team or build your own team of models, and we do not do that here. We want every model to succeed and if you want to own your agency at some point, we also have second-to-none training on how to create it. There are no earning targets at all for you to run your own agency.


Black Panther Modelling Agency is totally free to sign up too and we make our locked, password protected training site free for all models to use. We have a quick turnaround on all sign ups, with one of us being in the office all day between 7am and 11pm. Most of our models, given the unique and dynamic support that our agency staff give, will often make enough for a pair of red bottoms in their first week. If you start today, we offer DAILY PAY with a low minimum payout of just £15, meaning you can start today and get paid tomorrow. We are the only Modelling Agency in the UK to offer the type of training we do, and we offer 24/7 support through a group chat. We are so proud of our high model retention rate because ongoing support, training and guidance is available throughout your career with us, as well as huge opportunities to progress.

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